We're a group of friends who have fun cooking. Saltpig Kitchen is a curated space for us to post some recipes that turned out tasty and other miscellanous tips and tricks we've learned along the way. We love recipes that are clear and welcoming, while providing some wiggle room to adjust for different ingredients you might happen to have on hand.

This site and our recipes will always be free. We believe that ads or distactions should never get between you and the recipe. We hope our recipes and notes are helpful, but we're still learning as we go. If you have any feedback about the site, suggestions for new dishes to cook, or any other comments, let us know by dropping us a line at cooking@saltpigkitchen.com.

The Saltpig Kitchen staff


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Eric believes humans were born from the simmering broth of a primordial soup (to which we shall one day return). He has a passion for cooking outdoors, spicy food, and spicier margs. When he's not noodling in the kitchen, you can find him fishing one of New England's many waters.

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Joe and his brother lived on grilled cheese sandwiches every day after school. Once a finicky eater, he now loves cooks with whatever medley of ingredients happen to be available that day. Deep down he thinks that the food pyramid should be reduced to a single category: bread. He’s often spotted gazing vacantly into the depths of the fridge, communing with the Oracle of the Kitchen.
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Ned is a founding member of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pie, and a steward of the Gold Family Standard: that everyone should be well fed. He currently practices General Dentistry in Portland ME, where he also cooks food that 5 out of 5 guests would recommend.
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Bianca is a fearless explorer of far-flung culinary worlds, beyond both time and pastry. Her deserts have lured ravenous sailors from distant lands to their glorious destruction. Those lucky enough to be granted an audience have returned to recall dark baking secrets and forbidden dishes thought to be lost for generations. Aspiring bakers search to this day for her elusive lair.


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Luke took his first selfie in the womb, but had to download a few apps first to get the contrast right. By spending a few years in a dark room and a few strokes of luck, he managed to finagle his way into the dark corners of the photography world. After masquerading as the inventor of the telescopic lens at a local art show, he eventually started to gain traction as the brand photographer’s brand photographer. When he’s not snapping photos in the kitchen, you can bet he’s in the studio, exploring new frontiers in space and sound.